This is the blog of Guythatnooneknows. This blog is intended to amuse and entertain, but also, to tell you what you should think about everything important to Guythatnooneknows.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Fucking Statistics

Some nights I understand them, some nights I don't.

Currently we're working on confidence intervals.

Formulas for this:

u= (Mean +or-) t sub (alpha/2) x (standard deviation / square root of the number of events)

I'll go home tonight and understand all this no problem, but when I do my homework in a few days, my retention will be zero.

I'm an accounting major so I understand the relevance of statistics in accounting situations, but damn, this will probably be up there with the hardest classes I'll have to take towards my major.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Don't Call It a Comeback..

How could I possibly return to posting in my blog without stealing a very famous quote from a very famous rapper?? I couldnt.

I'm back bitches. It's been a long hard road, with a lot of ups and downs, a lot of forks and well, not forks, but here I am, badder, stronger, fiestier, more opinionated, unadulterated, hardcore, all about the PHUN!, back, Guythatnooneknows and boy.. do I have some goddamn opinions.

But first, a brief apology. To my loyal viewers, of which I'm not sure who of you are left, however, to those out there, the reason for my outstanding absence was an over-abundance of new things popping in my life.

First off, I got this badass new computer that plays cool games so, posting on the blogs went out the window. Then when I did get around to being bored with games on my new computer, school started. So, betwixt finding my new computer, starting school and work, the only time I would have to post on my blog is when I sleep.. and I'll be damned.


Today was a fantastic day. It further furtherized the fact that thus far, this summer has been great. With the exception of not receiving my student loan refund, everything has been off the chain. Today, nine of my friends and I attended Michigan's Adventure. A fantastic little amusement park with a hardcore waterpark not for the faint of heart. Two parks for the price of one, twice the phun... am i rite?

So there's that, which was a blast, then there's the last o, 2-3 hours of homework I've been doing. You see, on the drive home I realized how much damn homework I have to do to get ready for this week of school. I have two midterms to worry about, and one take home test, on top of a speech to give, and random homework assignment bullshit. However, I will not let that get in the way of what I'm really here to talk about.

(So sorry I couldnt get a better picture, but I'm sure you've all seen her recently)

Lindsay Lohan... what the fuck

This girl used to be attractive.. it's true. Now, no. What happened? I'm not sure that anyone really knows. Now, why do I care so much about her loss of attractiveness? Not for the reason you may think. Your probably saying to yourself, but Guy, didnt you think Lohan was attractive, and I say yes, however, her grotesquely skinny figure has an effect on me that rides deeper then she's not hot anymore.

You see, little girls growing up look up to celebrities like Lindsey Lohan here. They see her as a role model. Any self-respecting smart person is going to see that the new trend for young girls is to get all uncomfortably skinny and try and look all "beautiful" just like Lohan here.

Well, I say, Fuck that. Girls come in many shapes and sizes, so do guys. Bigger guys, like myself, we have interpersonal security issues but yknow what? At the end of the day (the good guys out there anyways) WE DONT GIVE A SHIT HOW WE LOOK!! Girls shouldnt either. If you want to go ahead and look like Lohan here because you think she's gorgeous and youll never get a man unless your bones jut out of your arms and chest and neck. FUCK THAT. Only the desperetly insecure male is looking for something like that.

While this may seem like rabble and jibber jabber, please keep in mind its 2:30 here and I'm damn exhausted.

This is not the last you'll hear of Guythatnooneknows. Stay tuned for further episodes where I will discuss:

*The Ridiculousness of Scientology
*Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes (with a side bar on how Tommy boy got skirted in the face with a squirtgun by an Englishmen and freaked out)
*The Macho Man
*Hogan Knows Best

and more.


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