This is the blog of Guythatnooneknows. This blog is intended to amuse and entertain, but also, to tell you what you should think about everything important to Guythatnooneknows.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

It's Something!

I was reading one of my favorite blogs, Celibate in the City, when I noticed in her little section about Celibate's Pimps, my blog was referenced with a little (6) next to it.

I can only assume that that number represents the number of times someone has clicked the Celibate link on my blog page and visited that site. Now, lately I have noticed a population on my web site of people that this blog is not neccessarily intended for. Not that I'm not appreciative of new people because I am, just it's something I've noticed. But I had no idea where I was getting these hits from. Now I have discovered where I'm getting these hits from. From CitC blog. Which, by the way, I think is totally fuckin cool.

So, for those of you that are visiting my site from CitC, and maybe for the Celibate herself (I could only be so honored), I have a few things to say. I regard CitC as one of the most well written blogs I've ever read. Mine is not that well rehearsed. I also find CitC blog to be one of the most interesting blogs I've ever read. My blog is only interesting to me and a few of my friends. If you come here and expect to be entertained because you saw my link up on CitC, you MAY BE grossly dissappointed. You might not be though, you might find it funny. That is all.

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