This is the blog of Guythatnooneknows. This blog is intended to amuse and entertain, but also, to tell you what you should think about everything important to Guythatnooneknows.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

It's 6:09 a.m....

And for whatever reason I'm compelled to write. About what? I don't know. Do you ever feel drawn to write something down but when it's time to produce the goods, you just plain can't. And no, that's not a metaphor for how I can't get it up. I'm completely fine in that area of my life. I just feel like there's something in my head that needs to be written and I can't pinpoint what it is.

It always seems like I do my most personal writing on the weekends. The weekends are a time when your supposed to find things to do to relax, things to do to take your mind of work, your personal life, and just chill with your friends and have a good time, but for whatever reason I always write more personally about myself then any other time I write in this blog. Why am I so compelled to think about things so important to me on the weekends? What draws me to them? I'm supposed to be relaxing.

I was talking to my friend The Integrity League this weekend about our two blogs. For those of you that don't know The Integrity League writes a blog I'm particularly fond of entitled The Integrity League I think that The Integrity League is a really good writing and photographer so I really enjoy checking out his blog on a regular basis. Anyways, The Integrity League and I got to talking about our blogs and he said that he really appreciates the writing I do on my blog. He said that he really enjoyed the serious writing along with the funny WHA HAPPEN??? writing that I do. I take that as a really big compliment. It's kind of nice to be able to get with people that write a blog and talk about how cool each other's blogs are every once in a while. Shit, I just noticed that my post is closly named after one of the Integrity League's posts. Sorry The Integrity League!!

Ok, I'm going to stop trying to force my brain to think of what I wanted to write and sacrifice myself to my pillow on the altar of my bed. St. Bed of Guy. Night everybody. God bless you and yours.

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