This is the blog of Guythatnooneknows. This blog is intended to amuse and entertain, but also, to tell you what you should think about everything important to Guythatnooneknows.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Shavonda... WHA HAPPEN???

For those of you that aren't familiar with MTV's most popular reality tv show, Shavonda is a character on this season's The Real World Philedelphia.

Now, every season of the Real World, the seven strangers are not only picked to live in a house, but also picked to work in only about the most kick ass job seven of the most retarded people in the universe could ever land. This job happens to be working with the Philedelphia Soul, Philedelphia's local arena football team. These seven strangers are more of a PR personnel group for the Soul to relate with the public, and, more specifically, youth in the community.

Now, back to Shavonda. During one of the latest episodes of the Real World, these seven strangers are assisting a youth walk to raise funds for mentally retarded children of the ages 6-12 years. As fate would have it, there happens to be drama surrounding Shavonda and these handicapped children. As it turns out, Shavonda is afraid of retarded children.

Let me repeat that, Shavonda, a 21 year old African American, is afraid, of mentally retarded children from the ages of 6-12. Afraid of retarded children.. afraid of retarded children.. afraid.. of.. retards. Does anyone else not find this completely retarded? I was completely dumbfounded watching this show and hearing this incredulous revelation.

Shavonda, you are singly, the lamest person ever. You have no backbone or spine, and, for being afraid of retarded children, you deserve a "pie in the sky" executed by the largest woman in the world, Raven Symone.

I believe this story calls for a hella large .... DERP!!!

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